Yes, I'm Still Here.

This blog update is, shall I say, LONG overdue. I told myself at the beginning of the school year that I would update often, but sometimes daily life gets in the way. Anyhow, I am here and would like to share a little bit about my life this semester.
I cannot believe it is already the last day of October! I think I am finding out that as you grow older, life really does fly by faster every year. I'm still sometimes stuck in the mentality that only three or four weeks of school have passed by, but then when I look at my calendar at those research paper deadlines creeping upon me, reality hits me in the face. Even so, it has been a really good semester thus far. I am taking, for the most part, very interesting and thought-provoking classes, and even though I have a lot of upcoming work for them, I feel that having to write a paper on a specific topic of my choice is helping me utilize and synthesize what I've learned. I suppose it's true that one can't really understand an idea until one has to write an organized position on it. I also feel that my liberal arts education here is so neat in that it allows me to write about things like liberation theology, and the issues in distributing fresh food to the urban poor.

Schoolwork aside, I have also greatly enjoyed being with my friends this semester, especially getting to know a few of my sophomore friends even better than I did last year. Friday night we all dressed up in our finest Halloween costumes and took pictures. It was a much-needed break from the stress of school and other activities.

Even though my friends and I sometimes have discrepancies and miscommunication (having friends in college is a lot like being in a family), my Hendrix experience would not be what it is without them. Our meals together, late-night study sessions, making Justin Bieber "music videos," playing dress-up, and movie nights are but a few testaments to the ways in which we have fun no matter how busy we get.

Finally, I wish to share about the upcoming chapter in my college life. Back in August, I turned in my forms to study abroad through the International Student Exchange Program. When I was home in Commerce for Fall Break two weeks ago, I received an email saying I had been accepted to study abroad at my first choice school: The University of Botswana, in southern Africa! Even after signing all the forms, filling out the deposit, and reading up on Batswana life and customs, I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I will be going to school in Africa for 4 months. I am so excited to have this opportunity before me. There are many anxieties that run through my mind--Will I make friends? Will I be completely safe? How will I manage to get through 30-35 hours of traveling?--but every time I see or read about the beautiful place that Botswana supposedly is, I can't help but be absolutely pumped and ready to go. There will be many more updates on this process of preparing for my adventure abroad, but for now I wanted to share the big news!


  1. Congratulations being accepted for your first choice! I knew you would. I expect to see lots of posts while you're in Botswana, filling everyone in on life in South Africa. No pressure!

  2. I'm so glad to know about your blog!! I'll definitely keep updated with it :) Especially while you're abroad!


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