Whirlwind: A Plea/Prayer/Poem
Whirlwind. Exhausted. Filled up by voices and movement of children. Eager for my new home to be settled.
Nervous and feeling burdened by commissioning (my next ordination step) paperwork. Wrestling with an ability to hold more emotions and states of being at once next to a desire to settle; compartmentalize; neaten.
Lots to think about. Drinking every prayer. Peace. Peace in me. Peace in this world that is in so many ways not safe.
Boston, I feel your warmth of summer today, accompanied by cool breezes. You have held me in so many times of transition. You will continue to do so now. God is here. God is in the mess, and the newness, and the tired bones, and the tears of our human family who grieve and rage at blood shed.
Spirit of Truth, move us. Help us cultivate radical acts of loving ourselves and others.
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